
GDPR and CCPA API (v3)

The following retrieval and deletion API calls are updated for version 3 and are made for GDPR and CCPA compliance.

Create Retrieval

Request Type: POST
Description: Creates a data retrieval job.
Endpoint: https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-retrievals/v3.0/?token=<your_project_token>

ParameterParameter TypeData TypeDescription
TokenURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterYour Mixpanel project token.
distinct_idsBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Array of stringsA list of distinct IDs associated with the users whose data you would like to export. You can add up to 2000 distinct IDs.
compliance_typeBody. Passed in JSON blob format.StringSelect CCPA or GDPR. Default is GDPR.
disclosure_typeBody. Passed in JSON blob format.StringOnly required if compliance_type = CCPA. Can be Data, Categories, or Sources. Default is Data.


Authorization TypePass AsDescription
BearerBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Your OAuth token for GDPR APIs.

Example Request:

curl "https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-retrievals/v3.0/?token=591b3354bb2bdd96f72f23bf56911673"
-H "Authorization: Bearer vZcErNw8JCq42BZUJyWoZmDWCKBxXc"
Rate Limit

We place a rate limit in place to ensure the integrity of our system as well as prevent a single project from monopolizing the available resources for other projects. Getting a 429 response code from our GDPR API means that you have reached our rate limit. We currently have a rate limit of 1 request per second for GDPR APIs. We also limit the maximum number of outstanding scans for a single project to approximately 5 years.

GDPR data retrieval process works by dividing the job of extracting the events by the granularity of the day, getting the events belonging to each distinct_id in the request for each day going back to the first day for which we have events in Mixpanel. Since user activity can go back several years, this means that even a single data retrieval request might require scans of many hundred days.

To maximize the throughput of data retrievals, we recommend sending the maximum number of distinct IDs per request, now at 2000, and then retrying with exponential backoff. Depending on the amount of data that needs to be scanned, retrying for several hours might sometimes be necessary.

Example Return:
{"status":"ok","results":[{"status":"PENDING", "disclosure_type":"DATA", "date_requested":"2020-03-09T22:28:55.078315", "tracking_id":"1583792934719392965", "project_id":1978118, "compliance_type":"ccpa", "destination_url":null, "requesting_user":"[email protected]", "distinct_id_count":1}]}

Check Status of Retrieval

Request Type: GET

Description: Checks the status of a data retrieval job.

Endpoint: https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-retrievals/v3.0/<tracking_id>?token=<your_project_token>

Return Format:
200 OK { "results": { "status": oneOf [ "PENDING", "STAGING", "STARTED", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "REVOKED", "NOT_FOUND", "UNKNOWN", ], } }

Return Key:

PENDINGStringTask ID returned from POST.
STAGINGStringThe staging process of the retrieval task has started. The task can still be canceled during staging.
STARTEDStringThe retrieval task has started, and cannot be canceled.
SUCCESSStringThe retrieval task is complete.
FAILUREStringThe retrieval task has failed. Check the original task input parameters and create a new task.
REVOKEDStringThe retrieval task has been canceled through a DELETE operation.
NOT_FOUNDStringThe retrieval task cannot be found.
UNKNOWNStringAn error occurred while locating the retrieval task.


ParameterParameter TypeTypeDescription
TokenURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterYour Mixpanel project token.
Task IDURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterThe tracking ID shown in the response.


Authorization TypePass AsDescription
BearerBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Your OAuth token for GDPR APIs.

Example Request:
curl "https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-retrievals/v3.0/1583958896131033662/?token=591b3354bb2bdd96f72f23bf56911673" -H "Authorization: Bearer vZcErNw8JCq42BZUJyWoZmDWCKBxXc"

Example Return:
{"status": "ok", "results": {"status": "PENDING", "result": "", "distinct_ids": ["1"]}}

Create a Deletion Task

Request Type: POST

Description: Creates a task that specifies a list of users in a particular project to delete. This will schedule a deletion job that will delete all data, including events and user profile data, for the users specified by distinct_ids. This deletion job may be canceled until it reaches the STARTED stage. It may take up to 30 days to complete a deletion task in a customer’s Mixpanel database. Mixpanel may retain records of deletion tasks for legal compliance purposes or for a short time based on our legitimate interest in providing a service continuity.

Endpoint: https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-deletions/v3.0/?token=<your_project_token>


ParameterParameter TypeTypeDescription
TokenURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterYour Mixpanel project token.
distinct_idsBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Array of stringsA list of distinct IDs associated with the users whose data you would like to export. You can add up to 1999 distinct IDs.
compliance_typeBody. Passed in JSON blob format.StringSelect CCPA or GDPR. Default is GDPR.


Authorization TypePass AsDescription
BearerBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Your OAuth token for GDPR APIs.

Example Request:
curl "https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-deletions/v3.0/?token=591b3354bb2bdd96f72f23bf56911673" -H "Authorization: Bearer vZcErNw8JCq42BZUJyWoZmDWCKBxXc" -d '{"compliance_type":"CCPA", "distinct_ids":["1"]}'

Example Return:
{"status":"ok","results":[{"status":"PENDING", "disclosure_type":"DATA", "date_requested":"2020-03-09T22:28:55.078315", "tracking_id":"1583792934719392965", "project_id":1978118, "compliance_type":"ccpa", "destination_url":null, "requesting_user":"[email protected]", "distinct_id_count":1}]}

Check Status of a Deletion Task

Request Type: GET

Description: Checks the status of an existing deletion task.

Endpoint: https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-deletions/v3.0/<tracking_id>?token=<your_project_token>

Return Format:
"results": { "status": //You will get one of the following returns oneOf [ "PENDING", "STAGING", "STARTED", "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "REVOKED", "NOT_FOUND", "UNKNOWN", ], } }

Return Key:

PENDINGStringTask ID returned from POST.
STAGINGStringThe staging process of the deletion task has started. The task can still be canceled during staging.
STARTEDStringThe deletion task has started, and cannot be canceled.
SUCCESSStringThe deletion task is complete.
FAILUREStringThe deletion task has failed. Check the original task input parameters and create a new task.
REVOKEDStringThe deletion task has been canceled through a DELETE operation.
NOT_FOUNDStringThe deletion task cannot be found.
UNKNOWNStringAn error occurred while locating the deletion task.


ParameterParameter TypeTypeDescription
TokenURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterYour Mixpanel project token.
Task IDURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterThe tracking ID shown in the response.


Authorization TypePass AsDescription
BearerBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Your OAuth token for GDPR APIs.

Example Request:
curl "https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-deletions/v3.0/35bd8477-f71f-4088-af55-c88a6fb4ad4b/?token=591b3354bb2bdd96f72f23bf56911674" -H "Authorization: Bearer vZcErNw8JCq42BZUJyWoZmDWCKBxXc"

Example Return:
{"status": "ok", "results": {"status": "PENDING", "result": "", "distinct_ids": ["1"]}}

Cancel Deletion

Request Type: DELETE

Description: Cancels an existing deletion task. Deletion jobs can be canceled until the STARTED stage initiates.

Endpoint: https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-deletions/v3.0/?token=<your_project_token>

Return Format: 204 NoContent or 405 MethodNotAllowed

Return Key:

204 NoContentQuery String Parameter requiredYour Mixpanel project token.
405 MethodNotAllowedQuery String Parameter requiredTask ID returned from POST.


ParameterParameter TypeTypeDescription
TokenURL. Passed in request URL.Query String ParameterYour Mixpanel project token.
distinct_idsBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Array of stringsA list of distinct IDs associated with the users whose data you would like to export. You can add up to 1999 distinct IDs.


Authorization TypePass AsDescription
BearerBody. Passed in JSON blob format.Your OAuth token for GDPR APIs.

Example Request:
curl "https://mixpanel.com/api/app/data-deletions/v3.0/?token=591b3354bb2bdd96f72f23bf56911673" -H "Authorization: Bearer vZcErNw8JCq42BZUJyWoZmDWCKBxXc" -d '{"distinct_ids":["1"]}'

Example Return:
{"status": "ok", "results": {"task_id": "35bd8477-f71f-4088-af55-c88a6fb4ad4a"}}